Second Stage’s Free Student Matinees bring a diverse group of New York City high school students to the theater each year. Through this program, we expose NYC public school students to professional theater, many for the first time, and encourage them to explore the stories, themes, and issues of each of our plays.

This year Second Stage aims to provide tickets to at least 1,000 high school students for our 2023/2024 Season. This program not only offers students the chance to see live theater, but it will also facilitate a comprehensive discussion between students, their teachers, and our artists regarding the themes and issues that are pervasive in the piece.

Following each matinee there is a moderated talk-back session with the cast and creative team that is coordinated by the artistic staff at Second Stage Theater. These talkbacks give students the chance to ask questions and interact with the actors, playwrights, and directors who helped bring the piece to fruition.

Participants in the Student Matinee Series live throughout the five boroughs of New York City, and range in age from 13-19, and come from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. If you wish to have your school included in student matinee programming please email Cassidy Kaye.